Claim Your Truth, Build Your Platform & Become a Beacon for Ideal
Clients who LOVE Working With You

Are you able to articulate the truth you know in your bones, the vision you hold for your clients and the fierce love you have for them?

Not being able to articulate your core truths in a way that creates resonance and connection means you are losing out on buiness or attracting the wrong clients. And you will likely end up creating the wrong products.

Success today is all about connection and relationship and to build both you must risk being seen in a new and powerful way.

If you "play it safe", come from a polite, don't rock the boat place, you won't get the results you want and not getting the results you want takes a toll on your sense of self and your bottom line. It can even lead to self doubt and you might even begin to question whether you are on the right path.

Are you currently:

Don't give up! You can change things up and turn things around,

When you know what you believe in and what you stand for - and you create from that space - MAGIC happens.

When you get this right...Your ideal client will breathe a sigh of much-needed relief, jump for joy, and know in her heart that someone out there finally gets her and is creating exactly what she needs.

And YOU will have more courage, clarity, direction and clients!

To become that bright shining beacon that draws your ideal clients to you like a moth to a flame...You need to develop a powerful authentic, passionate, courageous, stake-in-the-ground presence that your ideal clients find irresistible...

The fastest, easiest and most creative way to do that is to...

Writing a manifesto is a powerful way for you to

It'll lead you down a path of self-discovery that lights a fire within your heart. and that passion you feel and express - it's good for business.

A manifesto is not a mission statement. A manifesto is a declaration of truths intended to connect with your client's heart.

It exudes emotion. It takes a stand. It advocates for your client's best life. It is all about relationship, making it a perfect business tool for heart-centered professionals.

Writing your Manifesto will help you...

A manifesto is definitely primal - it is deep level soul work. It has the power to inspire, provoke, and create a tribe - your tribe!

It takes courage to speak your truth and step into the arena, but I know you have it in you!. And I'm here to help you bring your truth forward.

In the Manifesto Magic Course, I'll walk you step-by-step through the process of writing your own powerful Manifesto.

Hi, I'm Marcy Nelson-Garrison, and I've taught this same material for several years to heart-centered entrepreneurs just like you…with exceptional results.

Through years of teaching, working with clients, and personal experience, I know the ins and outs of crafting an effective manifesto...and why it's so important that you go through the process of writing your own.

Your manifesto will be your business superhero
A manifesto in its finished state provides your core platform. It moves you out of the "good enough" field and places you right into the daring greatly arena!That kind of clarity helps you stand out, get noticed and uplevels your confidence. It becomes your business super hero in these three ways:

1. Your manifesto becomes a beacon for your perfect client.
Authenticity sells and your ideal client will have no doubt about who you are and the stand you will take for them. This makes you very attractive.

2. Your manifesto becomes a true north compass for making business decisions.
You will have a clear path to determine which joint venture opportunity to pursue or which product idea to develop. No more going in a million directions.

3. Your manifesto becomes the perfect foundation for creating powerful programs, products and presentations. 
You have solid footings to create with passion and integrity. This can be felt.

Manifestos Create Impact—A Case Study

One of my clients, an experienced chiropractor, wrote a beautiful manifesto but she had huge trepidation around putting it “out there.” She was concerned with professionalism and not wanting to step outside the status quo for her industry.

In spite of her discomfort she took the courageous leap and posted her manifesto on her website. She was truly blown away by the response. She attracted more clients, and, most importantly—they ALL resonated on a deep spiritual level to her manifesto. In other words - she was attracting IDEAL client.

That's the MAGIC of a Manifesto.

But don’t just take my word for it. See what others are saying about the power of manifestos and the journey you’ll take with the Manifesto Magic Course…

Are you ready to own what you know, claim your personal authority and create from an honest, clear, passionate voice?  


Manifesto Magic - A 5 Week Creative Program to
Write A Powerful Manifesto For Your Business

$297 NEXT start date TBD



Manifesto Magic will give you a safe place to explore what’s true for you. It’ll help you create a powerful manifesto that means something both to you and to the people you are here to serve.

Here's what you get:

Each session we will have creative tools, content, and experiential exercises each building upon the next.

Session 1 - Setting the Stage
In this session you get some context, learn the elements of a manifesto and dive right in with creative exercises to help you choose a focus and begin to explore your wisdom and beliefs.

Session 2 - Rebel With a Cause
We continue the process of claiming your wisdom and begin to peel back the layers, exploring language and meaning. You also meet your inner rebel.

Session 3 - Overcomning Obstacles
Dip into your courage, notice fear and vulnerability, and receive tools to challenge obstacles. You will also begin to narrow in the focus of your manifesto.

Session 4 - Find Your Voice
Begin to bring in your personal expression to the content that’s unfolding, and explore the important role of emotion.

Session 5 - Pulling It all together
Here's where we bring in your personal style and flair. You will learn how to use your manifesto to inform your product funnel and make business decisions.

Private Facebook Group
As a course participant, you’ll also have access to a private Facebook group where you can connect with like-minded souls, share your insights, and feel supported on your manifesto journey.

Recordings of all calls.

Manifesto Magic - A 5 Week Creative Program to
Write A Powerful Manifesto For Your Business

NEXT start date TBD


I'll see you there! Get ready to unleash YOU and attract the kind of clients you dream of working with.